Field Directions
AGS Field 1 & Field 2
Address:905 Carlisle Rd Map
City:Batavia, IL
- AGS Field #1 is used for Rookie 8 and 8u teams only.
- AGS Field #2 is setup for 70' bases and is used for Majors and 11u or 12u teams
Braeburn Field
Address:580 Thorsen Ln Map
City:Batavia, IL
Directions:Field is located on the west side of Thorsen Lane about 1 block west of Western Avenue. Parking is available along Thorsen Lane.
Don Clark Field
40W101 W Main Street Map
City: Batavia, IL
Directions: Part of West Main Community Park located approximately 3 miles west of Randall Rd on Main St.The field is situated on the South side of Main St. and parking is provided on the north side of the park.
Norm Miller Field
Address: S Raddant Rd & Chillem Drive Map
City: Batavia, IL
Directions: Map will take get you to park entrance. Norm Miller Field is located in the back of Big Woods Park. Follow the road into the park all the way to the far south west corner.
Oroni Field
Address:1535 S Batavia Ave Map
City: Batavia, IL
Directions: Moose Lodge Field is on Millview just behind the Moose Lodge which is located at 1535 S. Batavia Ave. Parking is available along Millview behind the field.
Striedl Field
Address:1501 S Raddant Rd Map
City: Batavia, IL
Directions:The field is located behind Rotolo Middle School (south of the school). Parking is available in the middle school parking lot or along Barkei Drive as indicated below.
Address: 411 S. River St Map
City: Batavia, IL
Directions:The field is located between the skate park and the river. There is a small lot just north of the skate park lot, however the skate-park lot can be used as well. There is a walk path (other side of the bike-path) that will take you down to the field.